Martinius Wold Family
Martinius was the oldest son and second child of Jørgen and Anna Wold
- Martinius Jørgensen Wold
(March 6, 1846 - September 1898) m. Elise Amalie Halvorsen
They had 7 children that came to the US in about 1902. Four of them settled in Milwaukee and three settled in Washington state. Martinius had a carriage shop in Drammen Norway which made racing sulkeys. Otto Larum and family moved to Drammen for work and Otto got a job with Martinius. He fell in love with daughter Anna Kristin Wold and they were married.
Martinius died of strangulation in an accident at the shop. After that, around 1899 Elise (his wife) sold the business. Most of this family emigrated to America over the next several years.
Axel Wold and Otto Larum went to America before the others in 1902 and met up with family in Wisconsin. An older Larum sister had gone to america several years before.
The trades they learned in the factory were the ones they used in America. The auto was new and in need of those who knew how to do the upholstery. Axel's occupation on his emigration record is listed as "saddler" (arrival in NYC on May 6 1902,on the SS Oscar II joining hisAunt Julie? Sophi? Larum in Wisconsin)
Anton's naturalization record lists his arrival as Oct 10,1902 in NYC.
The ship's manifest of the S.S. Hellig Olva with Amalie dated Nov 2, 1903 shows that she travelled with Carl H (Herman?) age 22, Alfred age 15, and Magda age 17 and was joining son Axel Wold in Milwaukee.
Daughter Anna Kristine Wold Larum is listed as arriving in May 1903 via Quebec with children Thorlief, Julie, Carl and Otto, destination Wisconsin.
These photos of Martinius's children were probably taken just before the emigration in about 1902
Previous page: Olava Wold Next page: Carl Wold obituary