1910 newpaper article in Nordiske Tidende
This is the translation of an article that appeared in the NORDISKE TIDENDE April 7, 1910 after an interview with Dada
We have in our midst exceptional men living quietly, unassi.m~ing, seeking no publicity, helping the distressed and those seeking employment.
One of these men is Henry Lee, living with his family at 446—8th Street, Brooklyn, New York. Mr. Lee was born in Etne, Norway, the youngest in a large family. His parents died when Henry was a little child and as a consequence of many lonely hours, he developed a disquietude, and eagerness for a change.
The day finally came when Henry decided to seek out an older brother, now married, who had shown an interest in his life and to have him vouch for him in securing a post in th service of one of the many sailing ships at the port of Stavanger. He became a cabin boy serving the captain, and this was the beginning of an adventure that led to many others and opened his mind to the possibilities of a life of independence in a new world, full of advantages, the U.S.A.
The new world held the attention of the vigorous and ambitious young man. He saw possibilities of service to the shipping world, having learned much in the course of his service at sea in many ports. The many lessons learned proved the foundation for the business Henry Lee established in the port of New York.
In the year l871, Mr. Lee settled in Brooklyn, and in l878 established the business of supplying the demands of the anchored ships. The satisfaction of the service brought prosperity and diversification in the service offered.
Mr. Lee remarked, “For over 30 years I have been in this business in good health, for which I am grateful to my Father in Heaven. I often think with gratitude of the watchful care given to the young lad, so alone, starting out on his own in the world - a world of competition, hard and vigorous.

Today my family and myself are happily contemplating a trip to Norway. This trip will bring pleasure to each one of us able to enjoy the experience; my wife, my daughter Anna with her little son Alexander, the little daughter Marian, my younger daughter Helen and myself. We are looldng forward to the scenic beauty of Norway.
I am indeed fortunate in having my son Henry and my son Herman in charge of my affairs while I am on the trip. I go with complete confidence and no concern, because I know their capabilities. What a blessing to have such fine sons, faithful, loyal and true.”
from Marian Munson Pasquet as sent to Grace Friel, both granddaughters of HH Lee
In looking for something else among my keepsakes, I found the old yellowed clipping and this translation. I thought it might be interesting to some of the rest of you, so I am making some copies. Did you know that in supplying ships in the harbor, he was the first to put a derrick on a barge - making what I think was called a “1ighter?" I think that by the time this article was written, he already had the tug boats, but I am vague about how that came about. My family lived with Mor Mor (translates Mother’s mother; and Dada on 8th street until Anne Louise was born. I can remember hearing Dada talking excitedly on the phone at night when he would be called about some emergency - like a ship sinking.
Ed note: We no longer have a copy of the original article just this translation
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