Moritz Gugenheimer
25th anniversary cup
 25th anniversary saucer |
- Jacob Gugenheimer (b: December 17, 1777 Kleinerdlingen, Swabia, Germany d: July 01, 1850 Regensburg, Bavaria) married Regina Gundelfinger (b: February 20, 1784 Kleinerdlingen, d: December 25, 1858 London, England) , and was a prominent merchant and burger in Regensburg. The family home was on an important central square, apparently Regensburg's small Jewish population was not in a separate "ghetto." Stasi has a commemorative china cup/mug for their 25th wedding anniversary with all the children's names listed on a gold leaf tree (see picture of it on the left, click for larger version). Jacob and Regina had ten children
- Moritz Gugenheimer (b: March 09, 1807 in Regensburg, Bavaria d: May 31, 1888) was a geologist who helped Wilhelm von Gümbel during the geological mapping of the Bavarian Forest. He is listed as the co-author of an 1845 paleontology book on fossilized crustaceans in Bavaria listed at google books - "Über die fossilen langschwänzigen Krebse in den Kalkschiefern von Bayern." The Regensburg record indicates that he emigrated to America where he was in the weaving business. We have a naturalization record for him in Boston in 1857 but no further information.
- Fanny Gugenheimer (b: August 05, 1808 in Regensburg, Bavaria d. October 05, 1875 Londin) married David Mandelbaum (of London, England m: September 12, 1849), Her descendants are mainly in London today and have the surname Benda.
- Amalie Gugenheimer (b: June 07, 1812 in Regensburg, Bavaria) married Jakob Henle
- Max Gugenheimer (b: February 20, 1815 in Regensburg, Bavaria d: ca 1840-2, in America was a clothmaker "Tuchmacher")
- Caroline Gugenheimer (b: February 25, 1816 in Regensburg, Bavaria d: 1850) married Samson Laudenbacher, the cantor and shochet of the Pappenheim Jewish Community (m: March 28, 1849 in Regensburg, Bavaria)
- Matilda Gugenheimer (b: April 12, 1817 in Regensburg, Bavaria d: January 06, 1894) married Joseph Guggenheimer of London (his parents were Joachim Guggenheimer b. 1771 Hürben d. December 12, 1853, Hürben and Edil Levi b. 1781 Kriegshaber d: May 01, 1855 Hürben ). They are buried in the Regensburg Jewish cemetery where they are among the oldest graves.
- Theresa Gugenheimer (b: November 22, 1818 in Regensburg, Bavaria d: April 30, 1911 in Regensburg, Bavaria) She is buried in the Regensburg Jewish cemetery When she died, the only family member willing to go to Regensburg to deal with the old furniture and "stuff" was our ancestress Charlotte Langermann Thannhauser. That is why we have the portraits, china, and Biedermeier furniture instead of the Erlanger cousins.
- Emma Gugenheimer (b: March 09, 1820)
- Siegmund Gugenheimer (b: June 17, 1821)
Auguste Gugenheimer (b: September 17, 1822 in Regensburg, Bavaria d: in Nurnberg?, Bavaria) married Salomon Loew Langermann (b: June 13, 1820 in Floss, Oberpfalz, Bavaria m: May 14, 1850 Regensburg) and had 10 children:
(all this data is from the Gugenheimer family record in the Regensburg state archives which was kindly transcribed by Barbara Sperling - click here)