Aug. 3rd—Friday

Summer has been very pleasant so far. Have had many rides with Miss Lee to our mutual pleasure. Our ride today though, eclipsed all former ones in point of "1oveliness," The day was ideal and we were both in the best of spirits. This was a sort of "wild ride”, for leaving the boulevard, we passed over unknown roads and lanes. We passed cultivated fields and farms, and had a jolly good time.

Aug. 5th—Sunday

First Sunday of my vacation. We were all by invitation at Lee's for dinner, and spent the rest of the day there. Had, as usual, a very enjoyable time. There was an amusing incident between Miss and Mrs. Lee and me. I had picked up a potato which I had accidentally stumbled over in passing a potato field. I gave this to Miss Lee who boiled it. Today we each had half, which tasted good.

Aug.l5th.— Thursday

Miss Lee called this afternoon, and brought up a lovely cream cake which tasted very good. We had a good ride together. Am preparing today to go to the country where I will perhaps only stay a week. Have decided to go to White Lake, New York.

Aug. l6th—Thursday

Left this morning for White Lake by way of Ontario and Western R.R. Enjoyed the trip very much. Met Mr. Maas, the proprietor of Sunset View House (where I am staying) at Liberty Station, and rode with him almost 13 miles to get to the house. The place is new and nicely situated and the surrounding country is very beautiful.


At the request of a young lady friend, made before leaving Brooklyn, I wrote today from my far away place, a letter with friendly greetings and regards. Like this place so very much, but could not help yesterday feeling a little lonesome.

Previous page: July 1900   Next page: mid August 1900