late February 1901
February 21st—Thursday
21st at last. Have all winter looked forward to and prepared for this date. Met Carl Toflefsen in forenoon, and after a visit to Hegge’s, we went over to Mrs. Kitel’s to rehearse, as the church was somewhat cold. After playing a good deal together, we, upon invitation, stayed for lunch, and had a jolly good time. Our great concert came off in the evening, Success beyond best expectations. Church was crowded although the price of tickets was fifty cents—higher than ever before. Program was a success. Male Chorus did very well; Mixed Chorus fairly well; Miss Eddie sang nicely; Tollefsen played well—though not his best, and his quartet the same.
One of the delights of the evening was an address by the pastor of my former church, The Bedford Presbyterian, the Rev. Wm. J. Hutchins. He had very kindly consented to speak, on my invitation, and his theme tonight was “Music in relation to Liberty.”
After an introduction by Pastor Hegge, Mr. Hutchins walked over to the middle of the platform and opened up by saying that since the evening was given over to a program of such good music, he felt almost like an “interloper" at being there tonight. But he said he had come at the invitation of “your good and able leader, Mr. Munson, and his wish is my law”. Before going to the subject proper, he said some flattering words about our good music and program. His address was very able, and in the course of his remarks, he spoke nicely of Norway as “the land of the snow-capped mountains and the many fjords; the land of the midnight sun.” His address proper, the essence of which was music as a liberator, I shall not try to give here. “The true musician, I say is indeed a liberator”.
After the concert, the choirs and friends and also our guests this evening, Mr. and Mrs. Hutchins, Mr. and Mrs. Eddy, the members of the String quartet and Sextet, went downstairs. Seated around a long white prettily decked table, we partook of good refreshments.
Had a most lovely time. Everyone enjoyed it, and this will, remain in memory one of the nicest affairs we have had in our church. I was most happy to have the folks from my former church present. They heartily expressed their pleasure at being present Mrs. Hutchins, who is a most lovable lady, also expressed her pleasure and spoke to me of the similarity of Hegge to Hoffman’s painting of Christ. They both thought most highly of him.
My own dear friend made this concert brilliant for me by her presence and participation. She was dressed in a new black well fitting skirt, and a very rich white waist, and appeared most sweet, as we imperceptibly (I believe) “flirted” across the tanle. The concert will net us over $200 surely.
Feb. 22nd—Friday
Very glad to be through with the concert and have that off my mind. Am most happy for our brilliant success. Called at Lees very early this afternoon, and after the lessons walked with Anna to Prospect Park, It was a little cold, but we had nonetheless a most charming time. We took coffee in the Flower Garden Restaurant, and a little later retreated to a little hill, where we had a lovely time. Anna’s feet suffered a little from the cold, but she would not let that prevent our good time. I left her on the elevated station in time to go to the prayer meeting of my church.
Feb. 23rd—Saturday
Before going to choir rehearsal tonight, I walked along 3rd Ave. in hopes of meeting Anna, but she had left for the city earlier, so missed me, Met her of course at choir rehearsal. This was held at Martha Swenson’s on 17th, St. We had a nice rehearsal with refreshments served. Met Anna on the 16th St. “L” station and saw her home. The snow had begun to fall gently during the evening and we walked from 65th St. along 3rd Ave. on the beautiful carpet of snow.
Feb. 24th—Sunday
Anna came to my morning service.
Feb. 25th—Monday
Many friends came to the concert in the Academy of Music. Saw Anna home late.
Feb. 27th—Wednesday
Called on Anna in afternoon and we took a long walk to Bath Beach. Walked into the “wilds” of the place, and after having rested a few minutes at a quiet place, we wended our steps homeward. The evening was cold, to an extent, and my friend’s little feet suffered some, unfortunately. Had a lovely time.
Previous page: early February 1901 Next page: March 1901